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THE Closet Cleanse

If you're here, but haven't had a chance to check out the pre-wardrobe cleanse process that makes cleaning out your closet 100x easier and more satisfying, I highly recommend you check it out it, it was last weeks blog post.

Another amazing place to find information on this process is to check out Step 1 of the style mindset process here.

If you've already done your pre-wardrobe cleanse or are planning on doing one this post is all about how to successfully clean out your closet.

Your mindset is incredibly important when it comes to cleaning your closet out.

It is what will help you navigate the hard parts. Like letting go of things that no longer fit.

I go over how to set yourself up to have an amazing mindset in the pre-wardrobe cleanse post. But I do want to remind you that having an intent or a goal for what you want to achieve by doing this will really help you make decisions more easily throughout this process.

Before your start, remember that cleaning out your closet won't necessarily give you the wardrobe of your dreams instantly. But having the wardrobe of your dreams isn't a race, and the fact that you are cleaning out your closet intentionally means that you are on the right path, taking the necessary steps to get there. In my opinion that is definitely worth celebrating!

Also remember that even if nothing seems to fit, or you hardly want to keep anything, that does not mean you're failing at this. You're just allowing yourself to open up space for the wardrobe you really desire. And you're allowing yourself to only wear what you love.

Okay, let's get into it!

You're going to get boxes, any kind you like.

I say boxes because most donation centers prefer receiving clothes in boxes instead of giant garbage bags. Plus boxes are so much easier to place clothes into and organize.

You'll want a box for donations, off season clothes, trashing, keepsakes, and maybes.

Once you have your boxes you're going to grab your favourite drink or snack, put on some upbeat music, and light your favourite candle. Do anything you want to do to set the mood and make this process extra fun.

You're going to take everything out and get it in front of you so that you can try everything on.

The only exception is if you already know that you love something, you wear it regularly, and you believe it fits with the wardrobe you are trying to create. If it checks those 3 boxes you can leave it where it is until you re-organize everything.

As you try pieces on you're going to be having a lot of thoughts and emotions about everything.

We are very connected to the things we put on our bodies whether we are aware of it or not.

Our wardrobes say a lot about us, and taking the time to try everything on can feel overwhelming because of all of the thoughts and emotions connected to each piece.

This is why it's good to have water or your favourite drink so you can take a quick break.

It is also why the pre-wardrobe cleanse is so important, it gives you a piece of paper that you can look at and remind yourself of your intentions. It also helps you reset your mindset when you feel like you are headed towards a negative downward spiral.

As you're trying your clothes on you're going to determine which box to put them in.

As a rule of thumb, anything that doesn't fit and is wearable (no holes, stains, etc.) goes in your donation box. Try to make this as drama free for yourself as possible. Donating clothes that no longer fit helps you make space for all of the amazing ones that do and will.

Anything that doesn't fit the person you are now or the person you are becoming but is wearable also goes in the donation box.

Things that go in the trash box: pieces that are damaged that you can't or don't want to fix, and underwear (yes you need to clean out your intimates, socks, and swimsuits too).

Off season clothes are the ones that are not seasonally appropriate. Lots of clothes are versatile and can be worn in almost any season. The clothes that go in this box would be: heavy winter parkas, or snow boots, gloves, toques, etc. Things that make absolutely no sense to wear in the current season that just take up space.

Lastly, the things that go in your keepsake box are the things that you have no intention of wearing or just never wear, but you love them for sentimental reasons. Examples of this are wedding dresses, jewelry or pieces of clothing that have been handed down through generations, meaningful gifts that give you joy when you see them. Clothes that do not fit are not keepsakes if they have no sentimental value. Do not keep a pair of jeans just because they were your favourite when they did fit. Keepsakes are irreplaceable, and they make you feel high vibration emotions like joy and love.

As you're trying everything on you are more than likely going to come across pieces you’re unsure about keeping, or ones you know you should let go of but don’t want to.

If it’s not a ball gown or something you’d only wear to a special event and you think you want to keep it; it goes in the maybe box. Everything that goes in the maybe box needs to be worn for an entire day. If you know you won't do this move it to the donation box, and be very honest with yourself.

Everything in the maybe box gets a day to help you decide whether you're keeping it. Wear each piece all day long and notice how you feel in it. If you’re happy or excited to take it off at the end of the day, or you were fussing with it all day long let it go. If you loved wearing it take a picture of your outfit so you can wear it again and keep the piece.

The hardest things to let go of are almost always the clothes that don't fit us physically or personally anymore.

So as a gentle reminder - if it doesn't fit let it go.

Keeping things we cannot wear even if we absolutely love them tends to make us feel worse about getting dressed. Whenever you do a wardrobe cleanse part of your intent can be for you to dress for the body you have now.

If there is something incredibly special to you, and I don't mean like a really good pair of jeans - I mean a beautiful, tailored to perfection, gown passed down from your mother and her mother... if something like that doesn't fit but carries a lot of sentimental value and you want to keep it you definitely should. But let's skip over keeping things and using them as "motivation" for your body to be different.

Once you've tried everything on and organized the things you are not keeping in your closet into their boxes you are going to re-organize your closet the way you think the best version of yourself would.

Whether that means everything is colour coded, or everything is more accessible (not putting things in drawers you never open so the things inside are never seen), or by category. Do what works best for you, but place your clothes with intention.

Having an organized closet helps you wear more of your clothes, and makes putting together outfits more effortless. I personally like to group things in my closet by category and colour. I also like to have everything as visible as possible.

Now that you've completed the re-organization and have gone through everything and put them in their boxes, get those boxes in your car and to the charity of your choice, to your friends, family, or the trash, just get them away from your house and do it immediately! Don't give yourself the option of changing your mind. And don't leave boxes in your room or house that will be in the way.

The last part of the closet cleanse is to celebrate yourself!

These aren't always easy, but they are a beautiful and intentional fresh start that you get to create for yourself, and you get to be proud of that. You also get to be proud of all of the space you've created for yourself to grow into, and all of the things you learned about yourself and your personal style along the way. Maybe you have a cake in your fridge that you'll celebrate with, or some wine and a movie. Maybe you'll write about your experience in your journal and celebrate all of the work you did connecting with yourself and your clothes today. Do whatever you'd like, just don't forget to celebrate yourself.

Now that you have open space in your wardrobe you can start filling it in at your own pace with things you absolutely love!

If you have more questions about how to do a closet cleanse or how to figure out what you want your personal style to be, get on a consult call with me here.


Love & Trust Yourself

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