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Effortless Style Reset Part 3

Welcome back to the Effortless Style Reset.

If you haven't done parts 1 & 2 yet be sure to start there to make this step even more effortless!

Every step so far is simply effortless, and part 3 is no exception.

These three things are exactly what I would do if I had to start over with my personal style.

And I wish I had known about them sooner.

A quick re-cap:

Part 1: Stop looking for your style in other peoples

Part 2: Get interested in your own opinion

So let's get into it:

Part 3: Eliminate the goal of looking good - your new goal is to feel good

Serious questions to reflect on:

When has having the goal of looking good meant looking like yourself?

When has having the goal of looking good made feel good?

When has having the goal of looking good made you feel connected to your clothes?

You may not have this goal written out or are trying to achieve it the same way you might actively try to achieve a 5k or a degree but...

When the whole focus is on looking good, that you are just stuck - you know the moment where you are sitting in front of your closet trying to come up with something that will make you look good (aka like someone you're not) and you're coming up empty so you just sit and stare wondering why it isn't easier or you give up? - you usually end up feeling frustrated... so you don't pick out clothes that you feel good (joy, confidence, inspiration, etc) in and you feel like you don't look good anyway. I'd say the goal is about looking good, whether you are actively aware of it or not.

Almost always I notice when the goal is to look good it doesn't feel very good. So as a result we don't dress in a way that feels or looks good, and even if it does look good by a social standard we usually have this happen - "I don't feel bad, but I don't feel good either.".

Something is missing from the equation, and that something is you.

The idea of look good, feel good is misleading. As if you can only feel good in your clothes if you match a socially acceptable look.

The goal of looking good for most when you strip away the niceties is more like this:

-Looking smaller than you are

-Worrying about looking bigger than you are

-Needing your body to live up to a made up standard

-Looking acceptable to other people

Whereas the goal of feeling good simply means looking like you.

You are going to look like you no matter what you wear.

What matters is how you feel in your clothes, and how you get to live your life because of that.

The vibration you experience from your emotions influences what you wear which amplifies your vibration and dictates what you attract and connect with.

If you are focused on looking good and it feels bad, you are going to dress from that emotion. Your outfit will reflect and amplify that emotion. You will attract and connect at that vibration.

Until you let go of the goal being to look good (which isn't working), you will remain in a similar vibration and you will not find your own style vibration the one that you love and feels amazing for you.

This last part of making your goal to feel good instead of just to look good is so simple and so effortless. It only requires you to notice when you are making getting dressed (or anything about clothes) about looking good, pausing, and asking yourself instead how you want to feel in your clothes or what would feel genuinely good to wear. This is the shift that changes everything, it is the shift the leads you to creating your own unique style vibration.

And it's the last thing you need to do to have an amazing start with your personal style. And it is what will allow you to actually get in touch with what you love to wear, and what your style actually is. All of which is hard when we are focused on looking outside of ourselves to look like someone we aren't.

The moment you make personal style about you is the moment style becomes effortless because no one knows you better than you.


Love & Trust Yourself

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