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Effortless Style Reset Part 2

Welcome back to your effortless style reset.

If you're seeing this post first be sure to check out part 1 for one of the best kept secrets about style that will completely change the way you see clothes and help you better utilize this part!

Let's get into part 2!

Step 2. What's Your Opinion?

This step is also really simple because it just requires "the art of noticing".

All you have to do is get interested in your own opinion.

And one of my favourite questions to help lead you to some answers as to what your own opinion is about certain clothes is: What makes something magical to you?

For me, dresses, lots of movement, beautiful prints, and layers are some of the things that make my outfits feel more magical.

When my outfit is inspired by characters in books I read this also feels incredibly magical.

But referencing last week, what makes something magical to me is most likely not exactly what makes something magical to you, which is why getting to know your opinion is important.

It can be literal like the stars and the moon, or something that makes you think of the simple every day magic in the world around us like changing seasons.

You know best what is magical to you.

Getting curious about it is how you create effortless personal style.

If you feel stuck and can’t think of what feeling magical in your clothes looks like for you though, or maybe you don't want to feel magical...

Think about all of the things that inspire you in your life instead and what about them you could infuse into your outfit.

Feeling magical in your clothes can be as simple as wearing your favourite colour or embodying the magic of seasonal changes, to aligning with your divine self, or finding inspiration in fantasy worlds.

What feels magical to you?

What does it look like?

The only two questions you need to answer pick out something to wear that actually has meaning to you. And answering them will get easier and easier as you continually notice and honour your own opinion about clothes you see, try on, and wear.

If you feel like you don't have any answers the first time that's okay, it means you're starting where you need to and getting in touch with what your opinion is.

I tell all clients it's something you develop over time. The same way you do with your favourite Starbuck's order (when you first started trying their drinks you mostly likely didn't know which was your favourite, it took time and trying and some tasted great while others didn't), the books and TV shows you like, and the kind of things you like to spend time on.

Answer these questions and change the way you see your clothes.

The amazing bonus of this is you get to start actually seeing yourself in your clothes and in the world around you. It's beautiful to experience and it's the simple art of noticing.

Start collecting your opinions on all of your clothes and the ones you see - get clear on what it is you like and don't and why.


Love & Trust Yourself

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