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The Style Mindset Process Step 1

Why do I need a style mindset?

A style mindset will help you create the wardrobe of your dreams.

Imagine waking up and going to get dressed with excitement.

Feeling great in what you are wearing all day.

Detaching from what other people think about you, and what you're wearing.

Loving shopping, loving your clothes, and loving yourself.

There are so many more reasons, but these are my favourite.

This is Step 1. Knowing

"The first step to having a style mindset is knowing what you like and what you don't like, using your emotions as a guide."

This step has two parts, the first is understanding who you are, and who you want to become and the second is all about figuring out what you like, what you don't like, and why.

Knowing who you are right now gives you are starting point when it comes to personal style.

A good place to start to figure this out is to write out 5 characteristics about yourself that you admire, all of the roles you have currently (mother, volunteer, sister), and how you would describe your current personal style in 5 words.

The characteristics you admire will help you focus on the beautiful things about yourself that you desire to bring out to the surface more and into your clothes

The roles you currently have may be a starting point or they may be exactly what you want, either way they provide direction when it comes to the functionality of your personal style.

If you run a gym, you probably want your style to align athletically, where-as if you're a financial advisor you probably won't wear leggings and an athletic top to work (you may still own them for working out, but you'll probably own less), and if you're a mother you may wear leggings and an athletic top but you're most likely wearing it for different reasons than the gym owner.

The five words you chose to describe your current personal style will show you if you feel stylish or not, and in what ways you do or don't feel stylish.

Once you understand your starting point, make sure to take some time, (30 minutes is lots) to sit down, close your eyes, and picture the woman you want to become. This is so important!

How does she carry herself? What does she wear? How does she spend her time? How does she show herself love? What roles does she have in her life (things that you desire to be in your future: business owner, mother, artist)?

Picture the highest version of yourself, and then write out this woman you are becoming.

Now you have a clear starting point, and a goal for your personal style, and the goal is to align your fashion choices (getting dressed, purchasing clothes, closet cleansing) with the woman you want to become.

The next part of this step is even easier!

Go into your closet, and try on each piece of clothing you own.

Look at each piece on you in a mirror, and notice if you like it or don't like it.

If you're unsure of whether or not you like it for who you are now or for the woman you are becoming, your emotions are going to be your best friend.

Your emotions are going to tell you if you really like it or not.

If you notice feelings of joy, excitement, or even comfort you'll know right away that regardless of societal norms, other people, or sometimes even your own critical judgement, that you really like it.

When you notice those lovely feelings, acknowledge what it is about the piece that you like, this will help anchor all the good things you want in your wardrobe in your mind.

On the other hand, if you put something on and notice negative feelings like disgust, annoyance, frustration, or even comfort (the kind of comfort that doesn't actually feel like it's lending to your well-being, it's comfortable, but doesn't actually feel good). Consider why those feelings are coming up for you. What are you thinking about? Any negative thoughts you are having about your clothes or yourself in that moment will lend to that piece being undesirable to you to wear.

Noticing this is great for two reasons:

1. You now know why you aren't reaching for/wearing it and can decide if you want to change the way you think about it (ultimately changing the way you feel about it) in order to keep it.

OR if you don't want to place energy into changing your mind about it, and you know why you don't like it, you can let it go (donate it with ease).

Don't keep things that you don't love to wear. Keep the things that evoke powerful positive emotion within you, that's your whole self telling you that something is right for you.

2. Knowing what you don't like is important because it keeps you from spending anymore time, money, and energy on it. It doesn't mean you can never try things again, it just means you'll stop a negative cycle.

The second part of this step is essentially your first style mindset wardrobe cleanse.

Your wardrobe cleanse will look like you trying everything on that you don't normally wear and becoming aware of you truly feel when you do wear it, then deciding if it's an emotion and piece of clothing you want to experience more. If you need help with cleansing your wardrobe sign up for a free coaching consultation with me here.

You'll return to this first step many times as you and your wardrobe evolves, which is great because it means you and your wardrobe are expanding and evolving.

The first step to having a style mindset is knowing who you are, who you are becoming, and what you like, using your emotions as a guide.

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