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Make Getting Dressed Effortless

One of my favourite things to shift perspective on with clients is that getting dressed is hard, frustrating, disappointing, and definitely not fun, let alone effortless. I love taking clients from this space and getting them into one where they absolutely love getting dressed, they look forward to it and they experience ease and joy in this part of their morning that is all theirs.

Another favourite shift is seeing those who find shopping hard, frustrating, and not something they would want to spend free time on go from that to enjoying it, wanting to make a fun trip out for themselves, and loving the experience of looking for and finding what's right for them - but we will talk about this more another time.

Because this is one of my favourite shifts I see in coaching I wanted to share some of my favourite ways you can start enhancing the way you get dressed in the morning so you can look forward to getting dressed instead of feeling like it's a chore you'd rather avoid.

An amazing playlist to kick start your day is a great way to get in touch with yourself first thing in the morning, simply by listening to music that you love that connects you to you. If you don't know where to start with a playlist or don't want to make one I highly recommend this empowering confidence instilling playlist here - GFRWM Playlist - It is great for getting ready in the morning but my favourite time to utilize is it is when I getting ready to go out or go to an event.

Having a style vision board - I have said it before and will say it again. This is an amazing tool to check in with what you really want to be wearing each day and it helps inspire creativity, and align you with the vibe you want to create with the clothes you have. I have many boards filled with diverse women that may speak to you here but highly encourage you to create your own - if you want to know how to do this really well check out the Pinterest Tips post and Style Goals post.

If you are someone who checks in to social media in the morning I highly recommend cleaning up your feed and figuring out people to follow that inspire you. Check in with the people you aren't sure about staying connect with by simply going to their page closing your eyes and asking yourself if this is an energy and space I want to align with - notice what feelings come up inside your body and if they are feelings you want to have and you'll have your answer about if following them or staying connected is right for you.

I also highly recommend these women that I follow for inspiration, abundance, and joy - They are my favourite and diversifying your feed is one of the best things you can do for your style so that you can see there is no one right way:

I could go on and on so if you want more specific recommendations based on what you know you want your style to be DM me! @personalstylecoach

I also highly recommend following these ladies on LTK. Most of them are also on here and you can directly shop their looks. If you don't know what LTK is it's short for Like to Know it and it essentially just an affliate marketing app but it is one of my favourite ways to find clothes I love and see them on real people! This is a great app to get inspired by if you don't want to use Pinterest, or in combination with Pinterest as many of the people you find on Pinterest are on LTK as well.

The next thing you should do is join the style magic community where you will be guaranteed to have your feed flooded with style inspiration, coaching, and how to increase your self-confidence!

Lastly you know I gotta recommend mindset/embodiment work!

If you know that every time you go to get dressed it is not a fun experience and you are dreading it before you even start... Start writing down everything you are thinking about before you go into your closet and notice how it makes you feel. Whatever you are thinking is most likely making you feel dread, or a desire to avoid your closet all together while also feeling obligated because we obviously have to get dressed.

Noticing what you are believing about what you are going to experience before you go in and repeat the experience all over again is invaluable. Because your closet can't actually make you feel anything, it's your thoughts about getting dressed and going into this space that does. And while all of these suggestions are great for shifting your mindset, this one right here is the difference maker because writing down what you are thinking is going to make it clear exactly what you don't like about getting dressed and give you the starting point that you need to be able to see to make permanent shifts.

Once you know what you are thinking about getting dressed you'll be able to move to what is often called a ladder thought. You most likely won't move into positivity and I wouldn't recommend that (you're highly unlikely to actually believe the "positive" thoughts unless as you are considering this you are having an epiphany that makes it easy for you to completely shift and change your mind... it's kind of like the smoker who thinks they can't quit smoking but they get the diagnosis from the doctor and quit cold turkey... sometimes just seeing where you are at clearly in writing on paper is all the shift you need. However if you aren't having that light bulb moment and feel stuck in believing that getting dressed is just not that enjoyable ladder thoughts are for you.

This looks like seeing where you are starting and taking one step up the ladder from there in terms of beliefs, the really important part is that you must believe the ladder thought, it won't work if you are trying to take three giants steps up the ladder to a thought you don't really believe.

If you are starting at, "Ugh I hate picking out what to wear." Your ladder thought might look like:

"It's possible for me to not hate this so much."

"I want to be curious about how I can experience this differently"

"I'm ready to stop dreading getting dressed."

"It's possible for me change this experience."

"I am open to this experience changing for me."

"I am allowing myself to do this without judgement."

And you just continue to choose thoughts that you believe until you do reach the experience of loving being in your closet and looking forward to getting dressed.

It is a process. You have practised and rehearsed a specific experience when you go to get dressed most likely for a long term period of time. It often takes time to shift your experience, it's normal. Doing this work will change your life. It will allow you to utilize your closet and clothes to uplift and amplify you so that you get to feel energized and ready each day. It will allow you to attract more of what you desire because you are living in outfits that are a more clear and intentional reflection of you. It takes the same five minutes or however long you take to get dressed, it just more intentional and it will change your life. Seriously, imagine not dreading getting dressed anymore, what would that look like for you and how would your life change? IT'S SO WORTH IT. You literally get to have part of your morning be all yours and you get to have fun, be playful, and continuously learn about yourself in a small amount of time each day.

BONUS: If you haven't already, it is not accessible through being on my website directly but there is a free members library full of resources that are amazing for upping your personal style game, and learning how to enjoy getting dressed and the clothes you have. You can find it here: Members Library.


Love & Trust Yourself

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