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The Style Mindset Process Step 3

Why do I need a style mindset?

A style mindset will help you create the wardrobe of your dreams.

Imagine waking up and going to get dressed with excitement.

Feeling great in what you are wearing all day.

Detaching from what other people think about you, and what you're wearing.

Loving shopping, loving your clothes, and loving yourself.

There are so many more reasons, but these are my favourite.

Make sure to check out steps 1 and 2 of the process if you've reached this page first.

This is Step 3. Expanding

Worrying about trends, and what you "should" be wearing every season is not worth your energy.

That's why step 3 is last and is all about expanding your style and having fun shopping, trying new things, and exploring trends.

You already have your own personal style foundation under you from step 1 and 2, and at this point beautiful thoughts and emotions are guiding you and your personal style, not brands, influencers, or even friends or family.

This step is all about you experiencing trends, and new outfit creativity through your own lens; your very own personal style.

It's about you playing and experimenting with what you love, and you being excited about seeing what else is out there for you to try.

You will still experience things that you don’t like, and things that don’t fit, but you'll know that those things allow you to appreciate all of the things that are working out for you.

The things that don't fit and the things you don't like won't bother you as much, because you'll know you are simply having fun experimenting within your wardrobe and things not working mean nothing about who you are.

Because step 3 is all about expanding you will be shopping. Trying new things and exploring trends mean stepping outside of your current wardrobe.

Shopping is incredibly fun when we are intentional about it, and have a result in mind.

Knowing how you want to experience shopping before you go shopping will make the experience so much better. Instead of just going shopping without reason, go shopping with intent to have an amazing time, or with the intent to try on something new, or to even check out all of the stores you think would be good for you but you never have.

There are some many different intentions you can have, but having one helps you focus on the things that are exciting and fun about shopping. It puts you in a mindset that will help you shop better.

Trying new things isn't always easy, but to be the woman you want to become you will have to try things you never have before.

So when you are feeling discouraged or scared of trying new things pause and think of the result you want instead, the woman you want to become. She wears that stuff all of the time, and it's thanks to the woman you are now taking the chance on trying it for the first time today. And remember you can always do this with love and grace for yourself, because you are doing this for you!

Lastly, exploring trends is meant to be fun.

You have reached a point in your style mindset journey where you are not letting trends determine your personal style or your worth. Which means when you are playing with trends, you are the trend maker or trend breaker. What you say goes in your wardrobe and personal style. Really let the power of that sink in.

So don't be afraid of trends. Play with them, and enjoy them for the possibilities they present in your wardrobe. You won't know if something works for you unless you try it. Being open to and abundant when it comes to fashion means you are confident in who you are and your personal style.

Step 3 is all about you having mastered steps 1 and 2. Enjoying how your wardrobe expands as you change and trying new things that at one point may have even been scary or unthinkable for you to try, but now excite you.

Personal style is yours, have fun and enjoy it!

If you would like more help when it comes to shopping and trying new things or trends in your wardrobe book a consult call here.


Love & Trust Yourself

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