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The Closet Cleanse Course

How to deal with the clothes that don't fit the person you are now, so you can feel amazing when you go to get dressed in the morning.

I am so incredibly excited to be sharing this with you all!

If you follow me on social media you may have already seen me mention the closet cleanse course and some behind the scenes aspect of creating it. I wanted to share more about it here, so you can have every little detail on whether or not this is for you, what it will cost, when it launches, and what you'll get out of it!

So is this the right fit for you?

Whether your clothes don't fit your body, or the person you are today. You'll find this course is for you if...

• You've hit a wall with your closet, but haven't started cleaning it out, or maybe you started and gave up and left a giant pile of clothes on your bed because dealing with everything feels exhausting, difficult, and just not worth it.

• A trip to your closet isn't something you look forward too, in fact, when you go to get dressed you're worried it will ruin your day before it's even started.

• Your closet isn't a space you love, and you don't feel creative when it comes to putting together outfits. So you wear the same go-to outfits all of time that you're tired of.

If you relate to any of those feelings you're in the right place, and I'm going to tell you exactly how the closet cleanse course will give you all of the steps, tools, and support you need to actually get into your closet and transform it into a space you love, from a place of joy and excitement.

If you want a fresh start with your personal style, but haven't started because you know there is a lot to deal with in your closet, from the clothes that don’t fit, to the emotions that go along with that, this course is for you.

If your closet feels like a chore, and you're on the fence about actually cleaning it out, this is your sign to change that.


By doing this course you'll see these beautiful results:

• You'll know why closet cleanses in the past didn't work for you, and will no longer feel hesitant to do them. This course will show you how to clean out your closet in a way that serves you best.

• You'll feel prepared to clean out your closet, because you will have dealt with the scary things, (like the clothes that don't fit) ahead of time, without having to do a full on purge.

• Your mind will be clear so you can make effortless decisions about whether or not you keep your clothes from now on.

• You'll have a clear style vision for what you want your personal style to actually be, and how you want your closet space to actually look and feel.

• You'll have a closet space you love, cleaned out to your fullest satisfaction, with only real wear-able options left visible to you.

• You'll feel at ease, and excited about your new closet space when you go to get dressed in the morning.

• You'll also feel comfortable creating 5-10 outfits you love right away, as well as being creative with your outfits again.

• You'll have tools that support you in maintaining your new closet space, that also allow you to have confidence in continuing to create a wardrobe you love.

When you enroll in this limited time launch you'll get:

The exact process that I personally use and teach my one on one clients to use for cleaning out their closets, and feeling amazing about it. You'll even see me clean out mine.

4 modules - everything you need to know to confidently clean out your closet. The tutorials, cheat sheets, and tools are all inside waiting for you.

Future Success - all the tools you need to support yourself even after you've cleaned out your closet, so it stays a space you love.

The Details

The Closet Cleanse Course is coming out this summer in August!

The course will consist of:

• 4 Training Modules

• 20 Lessons

• Additional Tools/Resources Area

• Downloadable PDF Support Documents

• Delivered Immediately so you can go through the course as quickly as you'd like

• With a communication section - a place for you to engage directly inside the platform with other women and me with your specific questions.

Course Price: $29.99

This is the first release of this course, and I value your feedback immensely. Although the value in this course is higher than $29.99, I want this decision to be a no brainer for you, and I also believe that if you're willing to take the leap of faith to do this work for yourself, you deserve founding member pricing.

The Modules:

• Module 1: Forget What You Know About Cleaning Out Your Closet

• Module 2: Pre-Closet Cleanse Process

• Module 3: The Closet Cleanse How-To

• Module 4: Continued Success and Support

The Bonuses:

Founding Member Pricing AND My Personal Shopping Checklist:

This checklist is the criteria clothes have to meet in order for me to purchase them and add them to my closet. Once you’ve completed the course this checklist is great for helping you shop with intention and ensure your closet remains a space you love.

My promise to you:

This course will make the trip to your closet feel exciting, like you’re about to pick out an outfit that will help you start your day right; your clothes will invoke positive thoughts and emotions. Everything in your wardrobe will become a real, wear-able option! You can say good bye to your closet making you feel bad.

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