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The #1 Objection I Get About Personal Style Coaching

I wanted to dive into the #1 objection I receive when I talk to women about personal style coaching. If this is an objection that is holding you back from feeling like coaching could help you, I'm going to dive into how I do help you and overcome this one thing that may be holding you back.

Let's talk about it!

The number 1 thing I see hold women back from personal style coaching that will help them feel stylish, understand how to dress amazingly for themselves, and feel good in their clothes is that I'm not there in person to do it with them or for them. Whether that is being physically there to help clean out their closet or to go shopping for them (this is a lot of what a personal stylist does).

This is true, I do not come over and physically clean out your closet, I also don't go shopping for you and bring you back an entirely new wardrobe. I am not there in person with you, because that is not how I help you.

If you are someone who believes you need me or someone else to be there in person and to just rip the band-aid off, and get it done for you so you can stop feeling frustrated about clothes, or worrying about how you look, this is what I would ask you:

Why do you feel I need to be with you in-person? And what does having it be in person solve for you? Be completely honest, write it all the problems you are having with clothes.

Typically, most of my clients will tell me that they believe it needs to be this way because they believe they can't do it themselves, because they, "don't know what to do, or where they'd start".

They believe that me doing it for them will eliminate/solve the problem quickly, and result in a brand new perfect wardrobe, and you finally being/feeling stylish.

I want you to notice if me being there with you, doing it for you, will solve any of those things. If they will actually solve any of the problems you are currently having with clothes, or if they would be more like a band-aid. You would have a brand new wardrobe pretty quickly, with outfits that make you look put together, there is no doubt about that, but did it solve any of your problems?

If you're struggling with you body image for example, and I come in and we don't really address your body image, but instead purge your closet and buy you new clothes specifically meant for your body type (this is one of the most common inquiries I have on my website and so if this is you I really want you to ask yourself if this would truly be of service and support you in what you really want). I have now done everything for you, but are those same body image issues still there underneath the new clothes? Did we actually solve your problems or your current relationship with clothes and yourself?

I do want to say there is nothing wrong with dressing for your body type, but it can reinforce feeling unworthy of wearing anything outside of your "body type", which is something that personal style coaching can help you overcome.

Or maybe you're like a lot of my clients that want to have their own personal style and just don't know where to start. If I come in and purge your closet and give you a new wardrobe based on what you believe you would like after consulting with you for an hour, did I actually help you figure out your personal style for yourself so that you can continue on for years to come knowing what you love and creating outfits with ease? Or did I do it for you, and you still wouldn't know where to start if you wanted to change it?

I want you to really ask yourself what you believe me being there, doing it for you will actually accomplish for you and if it will actually solve any of the problems you are having with your clothes or how you feel about yourself?

Don't get me wrong, I know that lots of women simply don't have the time, and they just want it done and not to have to do it. That is not what I do. I help you see where you are getting tripped up when it comes to personal style and solve those problems so that you can create a personal style that is actually your own, one that you can re-create and duplicate over and over on your own once we are no longer working together, and feel amazing in.

I have women mention the show "What Not to Wear" a lot, and how the people that receive the make over transformation look amazing. But do they feel amazing in their clothes? Do they feel like themselves? Would they know how to be stylish now without help? A lot of the people on this show felt like they couldn't maintain what was created for them, and didn't feel like themselves in their clothes, just a more put together version of themselves. I want so much more for you!

As your personal style coach I help you get to the root of your personal style problems and solve them so you can feel amazing in what you really want to wear, and I also help you figure out what you really want to wear.

When we solve your problems at the root, it opens you up to so many more stylish opportunities that you not have even been able to see before, especially if you just wanted to cover them up with a well-put together wardrobe that I curated for you. This is especially true if you are someone who wishes you could wear something, but don't because society or your own mind has told you that won't look good on you. I help you release limiting beliefs like this.

I am here to collaborate with you, I am a sounding board for you, but the biggest reason I am not there in person with you, buying you a new wardrobe is because I am not you. What I mean by that is, only you can really know what you love, what works for you, and what speaks to you when you put it on and wear it all day. I help you work through everything you are experiencing as you create your very own personal style. I also help you celebrate all of the amazing things you do for yourself along the way.

You have to be willing to do the things that allow you to uncover your own personal style in order to have your own personal style. It is a process, and because of that, I am not there one time and we never see each other again. I am with you for three months and you can come to me with every single thing you experience with new clothes, shopping, outfits, body image, and more, and I help you create a full transformation. Your closet will change, but so will your mind and your relationship with yourself and your clothes.

You will look put-together because you are wearing things that you actually love wearing, not just because you're trying to look like what other people would deem as nice or acceptable.

Personal style coaching is all about you, and learning how to create your own personal style so that you don't have to depend on anyone else to look or feel good in your clothes.

1:1 coaching helps you look good, feel good, and know how to do it.

So if this is you, and you're holding back on booking your first free call with me because I won't be there in person, ask yourself if there is a possibility that I could actually help you with your personal style problems.


Love & Trust Yourself

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