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Style Things You Can Do This Month

If you're feeling down and out when it comes to getting dressed and you just want something to change here are some amazing things you can try to get out of your current style rut.

Instead of spending all of your time hating your clothes, trying a few things, getting frustrated, and settling on your go to outfit that you don't like all that much either...

Make one of these things your goal for this month!

1. Take 5 minutes to connect with what you truly want to wear each day.

Sit down set a timer and either close your eyes and use your imagination or journal about it.

Do you know what you want to wear each day? Probably not or you wouldn't be reading this.

This five minutes of self reflection on what your wants and needs are could be the difference between hating what you end up wearing all day and feeling good about intentionally picking out what you wore.

It doesn't need to take longer than 5 minutes either, so don't tell yourself you don't have time for this. How do you feel when you think you don't have 5 minutes for you? Anytime you are saying you don't have time for "something" substitute it that out for "you" and see if it still feels like a good reason not to do it.

Each day what you might want to really wear may be different. As I'm writing this I am having a difficult few days and what I really needed was comfort, support, and love. So I chose a beautiful pair of leggings with a sweater that feels like a hug, I put on some rings and a necklace just for fun. Notice I didn't say I put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt that make me feel even worse. When I connected with what I truly needed comfort came up but not lazy, messy, or sad, which is what used to result in me staying in pj's all day. I connected with what I really needed, which was comfort, support, and joy. (I of course still utilize my style goal for days like this too). Connecting with what you truly want and need will help you see what those things actually are instead of giving up or taking the easy route that doesn't feel all that great.

Doing this for 5 minutes every day for a month will also allow you to see what you really want and need at this time in your life. It will give you incredible insight as to what you desire when it comes to your personal style, and it will help you create more outfits so you don't have to rely on old go-to's.

2. Prioritize you.

This one can go hand and hand with the first if you choose to do more than one. However one of the most amazing things you can do for your personal style sometimes is not make the clothes the centre or focus of your life.

Prioritizing you in your relationship with your clothes just means that you aren't going to try to force yourself to wear anything, buy anything, or fit into anything that just isn't for you.

It also means allowing yourself to prioritize the person you are right now and let go of any clothing that either physically doesn't fit, or personally doesn't work for you anymore.

Make this month all about putting yourself first in your relationship to your clothes. Whenever you are struggling just ask yourself what it would look like to put yourself first in this situation? What would it look like to prioritize how I feel and what I want, over what I think I should be doing?

3. Love on the clothes that you like.

It's so easy to focus on and hate all of the clothes in our closet and forget that tucked in there are some that we actually really like.

You wouldn't believe how many people tell me they hate all of there clothes, and how they have nothing to wear, and it makes it so hard to get dressed. Trust me you are not alone if you are experiencing this. The funny part is every time I coach someone on this we end up finding out that there actually are at least 3-5 things or outfits they love wearing, it's just hard to see them when we are zeroed in on all the things we hate.

Find your 3-5 things or outfits you really like, I promise you there is at least one thing in your closet you love... and love on them all month. Find new ways to wear them, get creative, and enjoy getting lots of wear out of them.

Look to the things you like to see if you have anything else in your closet with similar qualities that you could love on more too.

Spend your time this month in this space of loving your clothes and see what shifts take place. I've noticed time and time again that this helped my clients feel more confident and motivated/interested in shopping because they were in a space of joy rather than hate and frustration.

4. Express more of who you are in your clothes.

What are your favourite things to do, favourite ways to spend your time? Can you take aspects of those things and infuse them into your clothes?

I have clients who tell me they love gardening, art, simply being outside, baking, reading, and many other beautiful hobbies. When I work with them I invite them to explore what they love about those things and see if they can start looking for similar qualities in the clothes they have and the clothes they shop for.

Sometimes it is easier to see ourselves and let ourselves be ourselves in other areas of our life that we already feel confident in. How can you bring more of who you are and what you love into your closet this month?

Ultimately you get to be your own style expert and own your personal autonomy this month if you decide to! Each of these things will help you step into being the expert on you. If you're not sure how to do these things, ask yourself how you think you’d like to try and do these things. Before you say I don’t know and give up, go deeper and consider what would help you in your every day life be more aligned with who you are and your clothes. You don’t have to get it right, just trying to align with these things will shift you out of the space you’re wanting to leave behind. Sometimes getting it wrong is how we get it right.


Love & Trust Yourself

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