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Style Magic

This month I have definitely been in my feels about clothing and personal style.

I think this is because I truly believe that clothes and personal style can be incredibly magical when we let them be.

So to close out the month of February I wanted to talk about how magical clothes and style can be and why seeing them this way is so beneficial, as well as how you can start to also see them this way.

When we see clothes as just a necessary part of our day, or even as a necessary evil instead of seeing them as beautiful opportunities to get to know ourselves on a deeper level and connect with the things that are literally in contact with our body each and every day, that is when they lose their magic.

It's like Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

This is very true when it comes to how you see your clothes and personal style.

If you see them as a chore that is all they will ever feel like, which kind of makes dealing with them feel frustrating.

BUT when you see them as an opportunity to connect with who you really are they become magical.

I really want you to let it sink in that caring about what you let touch your skin all day every day and how that makes you feel is not vain, or selfish, or shallow.

If you want to feel better in your clothes, this is where it starts, by acknowledging that what you choose to wear matters, and how you choose to see clothes and personal style matters.

The impact of letting it be magical will allow you to feel amazing in your clothes.

For me personally I love feeling like I'm literally playing dress up and that is one of the ways I make it magical.

I let my mind just be imaginative and curious and not judgemental, like when I was really little. Which is also my obsession with dresses is a long one... I find them magical and love exploring all the variations and ways of wearing them because of that.

Honestly, pretending to be like a fairy princess never gets old (for me)! It is so joyful, it literally makes me feel magical, it brightens my day, my soul, and I love sharing that joy with others.

This might not feel magical to you so I would encourage you to consider what kind of clothes or things about clothes do feel magical to you? Be on the look out for whatever your version of feeling like a fairy princess is.

I've been reading a lot of fantasy and romance novels lately and let me tell you it has me feeling the magic and I've notice it has definitely shifted into my personal style and I couldn't be happier.

This is another way for you to start incorporating or making your clothes feel more magical. Ask yourself where you experience magic in your life already or where can you find magic in your life already and how can you take that and infuse it into your personal style?

You know the idea of when someone sees something and thinks of you so they get it for you?

Maybe this has happened for you maybe it hasn't, but it's the perfect opportunity for you to start looking for things that remind you of you, and let the magic of seeing yourself in something else be inspiring, and to get yourself the things that remind you of you.

It's also a great opportunity to get to know yourself more deeply so you can notice the things that remind you of you.

Another great way to really get into feeling the magic of clothes and personal style is just imagining how your inner child would wish for you to approach clothes, how she would help you get dressed in a way that would inspire little you and make her and yourself proud.

Lastly, one of my favourite things to do is just romanticize the shit out of everything. As I write this I am in my favourite pink chair, with a hot cup of coffee, while I have a ambient snowfall/fireplace crackling loop on my TV. I find ways to make my life extra special with little things and this is one of the easiest things you can do when it comes to getting dressed, shopping, and figuring out your personal style.

Start making the experience the best it can be for you. Play music or listen to an inspiring podcast, enjoy a hot cup of coffee, put your favourite perfume on first (start wearing perfume), TAKE YOUR TIME. Make your life experiences about you, and simply be present to enjoy them.

True style magic really does start here; knowing what you like and what feels good to you and then allowing that magic into your life and your closet.

From my inner child to yours: have fun, be curious, make your life and style magical!


Love & Trust Yourself

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