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Outgrowing Your Personal Style

You’re allowed to change your mind about who you are and the kind of clothes you wear.

Fun fact, I used to hate bows. I thought they were so ugly and wouldn’t wear them. For what reason? I couldn't even tell you, I was just a hater at that point in my life towards them.

Interestingly enough, now, I love them! AND I think they make things extra ✨pretty✨.

It all started to shift from hating them to you really liking them with paper bag waists on pants and skirts (the bow is less noticeable but still a bow) and then my interest in wrap dresses, and loving tying a bow on those.. which led to liking wrap everything (cardigans, tops, dresses, skirts, sweaters, etc). Cut to how I feel about them on this day and I find all kinds of bows are so fun and feminine. I think they look great pinned to parts of my outfit, in my hair, and tied onto my bags… sometimes the creative options feel endless, in the best way. Which is why I am so glad that I let myself change how I felt about them.

I'm telling you this little story because I want you to know that you’re allowed to change your mind about what clothes you like and wear. You don’t have to be stuck wearing the same things forever and you don’t have to hate the same things forever if you don’t want to.

I know what it's like to stand against a trend or a certain kind of clothing and claim that "it is not for me", or "I would never wear that". Only to later discover I wouldn't mind wearing it, but feel as though I can't because I have already told people I would never. Don't let your pride take away the opportunity to wear the bows!! You're allowed to change your mind!

Whether it is something small like changing your opinion of bows, or something big like realizing you want to have a completely different wardrobe: maybe you've always been someone who only wears black or neutrals to the point where it has become part of your personality, but you are dying to wear some colour, you're just scared of what the change or slight switch up could mean in your life. I want you to know it's okay to outgrow your personal style and taste in clothes, it's actually a great thing!

I think it's great because it shows that your life is changing, growing, and best of all expanding. It's a fantastic sign that there is more out there for you, waiting for you to explore it. It's also a sign that you are really living life because you are experiencing things that are changing your perspective of the world and yourself (AMAZING!).

So when you notice that you are feeling good feelings, or pulled to things you considered ugly or not something you'd want to wear in the past, lean into it!

Lean into the things you notice yourself starting to like and let yourself try new and different things so that you can see what is going on for you. Resisting these pulls and feelings is usually what starts to make our wardrobe feel unfulfilling or like we have nothing to wear. It's a sign you're hungry for something different. I love referencing food when it comes to clothes. It's like wanting delicious fresh bowl of fruit from your fridge but you never buy the fruit and you keep opening the fridge only to find a salad you've had many times. There is nothing wrong with the salad, and it tastes great but you're craving something different. Buy the fruit just once and see if it fulfills your craving. If it doesn't your salad will still be there. PLUS there is nothing that says you can't enjoy BOTH.

The worst case scenario when it comes to this is that you realize you don't like the new thing you were trying on and go back to what you were enjoying before. But now you know, and you gave yourself the opportunity to see and explore instead of caging yourself into only being allowed to dress one way.

I've done this with many things, from a trendy gold chain necklace I bought to jean shorts that I never ended up wearing. I don't make these things mean anything about me, I'm just glad I was willing to let myself have the experience of them to fully find out if there was something there for me or not. I've even kept a couple of these things just so I can occasionally practise playing around with them, just to see if anything has changed. I use them as fun opportunities to be playful with my clothes, instead of claiming them as disappointments or failures.

One interesting thing I have personally noticed when it comes to stuff like this is that when it is tugging at us there is usually a reason and it's often a pull in the right direction for you if you are willing to listen to it. Our emotions and they way we feel about ourselves and what we wear holds so much more wisdom than our words can sometimes explain. Noticing how you feel in your clothes is an amazing insight into understanding what your own personal style really is. Let your feelings guide you.

If you're noticing that your old clothes aren't doing it for you anymore, or maybe you're starting to like the things you always told yourself you didn't, I just want to say congratulations on outgrowing yourself and your style! It is worth celebrating. If you are here, in this space of outgrowing, take this as a great opportunity to explore a new beautiful chapter of your life and what you'll be wearing in it!

As you take on new challenges with your growing style it's important to remember that you will encounter some bumps in the road. That's okay. That is part of what makes the experience so fulfilling, and what helps us keep an open mind. When facing an obstacle with your clothes, try to look at it as an opportunity to learn something new. Instead of focusing on the problem, use the problem as an opportunity to ask "what is it I really want?", and start to focus on that, and where it will take you.


Love & Trust Yourself

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