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Is Personal Style Coaching For Me?

Have you ever wondered, "Is Personal Style Coaching for me?" - If you have been wanting something with your personal style to change but you aren't sure where to start, but you also aren't sure if something like personal style coaching can help you with it, this post is going to detail so common occurrences that would indicate personal style coaching is perfect for you.

The first, and maybe for some the most clear sign is that you don’t know what your personal style is. This looks like not being able to describe your wardrobe in a succinct way that feels true to you.

Feeling lost in your closet as it does not feel cohesive, and most things don’t work well with others. Ie: leggings feel like your most versatile piece while also being the thing that is limiting you from having your own style.

The second sign a lot of my clients have before coming to me is: Leggings feel like your only option most days. You want to wear different things than just your leggings but nothing is as comfortable/versatile. HOWEVER, you don't feel good in your leggings either. Most of the time they feel like the last resort in order to get on with your day. They aren't horrible, but they don't exactly make you feel like the most radiant version of you either. This isn't exclusive to leggings either, this could look like any last resort go to outfit in your life (it could even be something "nice") but you feel stuck in it.

3. You don’t know what flatters you or what is right for you.

If I were to ask you what you believe flatters you best or what is right for you when it comes to personal style and the answer is I don't know, or you just feel confused then personal style coaching is for you because it will help you find the things that are right for you and flatter you in ways that make you feel at home in your clothes while also being able to confidently explore fashion and not feeling stuck wearing only certain styles as indicated by societal norms. Personal style coaching helps you step into your knowing and power so you can own how you want something to look and fit on you without having to contort your body into looking a certain way.

Another great sign personal style coaching is for you is that you’ve been waiting to do something.

This looks like hoping you can start from an already perfect place instead of starting where you are now. You are procrastinating doing anything with your wardrobe telling yourself it’s no big deal, while it nags at you every morning. It's normal and the thing is you're in the perfect place to start. If your wardrobe was already perfect it wouldn't be a persistent negative hum in the back of your mind throughout the week and every time you get dressed.

This also looks like waiting to allow yourself the joy of feeling amazing in your clothes until you have done something or become someone else. DON'T DO THIS. Letting yourself feel good in your clothes now could be the difference in actually reaching the goals you set for yourself, not getting in the way of them. This is because you're going to show up differently to every single thing in your life if you are amplifying radiant energy from within and into your clothes than you would if you are hidden underneath them, or simply just covering yourself as necessary.

You do not have to lose weight or gain weight to look good and feel good in your clothes.

You do not need more money to have "better" clothes.

You do not need to have a better job, or higher education before you can start creating your own style.

You do not have to please others with your clothes before you can look for and wear what you love.

That's because it's never just about the clothes. It's about you, and making conscious choices for yourself. Wear what you want and don't wait to be in the "better place". You're already in it by simply being here right now. Ask yourself what the waiting is doing for you and check in with yourself as to how your answers feel.

Lastly, you’re scared you’ll be without your clothes. When you think of working with a personal style coach, a personal stylist, or even just working on this on your own there is a real fear that comes up around having to let go of all your clothes and/or being left with what feels like an empty closet with the daunting task of filling it and possibly messing that up.

If you feel this attachment to your clothes, or fear of not knowing how to fill in the open space, personal style coaching is definitely for you. You'll learn how to safely detach and release clothes from a place of knowing that you are making the decision for yourself. You'll also feel ready and confident in your decisions because you'll be prepared in what you are going to look for that will work specifically for you. You'll have a real understanding of what your personal style actually is. Making it easier to release clothes and give new ones that you love a space in your life and closet where they can be easily located and worn.


Love & Trust Yourself

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