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Increasing Self Confidence Part 2

Welcome back to the Increasing Self Confidence series:

To recap the first thing you need to know is that it is already within you!

The second is that there are 3 key components to radiant self-confidence.

Trust, Feelings, and Beliefs.

All of these things come from within, making self-confidence something you can build without any external devices.

You may have heard me say or share this in other areas, but no amount of beautiful clothing can make up for a lack of self-confidence, but abundant self-confidence can give you the ability to wear anything you desire without second guessing yourself.

Self-Confidence is an incredible super power that goes beyond personal style and affects your every day life.

Over the next few weeks I will break down each of these 3 key components with you all.

There will also be an exercise to embody and make building your self-confidence a reality to go along with each.

Let's get into this weeks component of self-confidence - Feelings:

The ability to feel your feelings, and willingness to feel them without fearing them is an invaluable super power.

At the end of the day, we do almost everything out of the desire for how it will make us feel.

Whether that is doing something because we think it will make us happy, or avoiding something so we don’t have to feel discomfort.

If you’re willing to experience any feeling you will quickly increase your confidence.

This is because it takes the fear out of experiencing emotions like discomfort, failure, or sadness and allows you to embrace life fully.

Our emotions are temporary.

This made me realize that feeling any negative emotion doesn’t last forever, which made them a lot less scary.

The reason you want to start feeling your feelings is because it gives you your power back, instead of feeling like you are out of control or at the mercy of them.

1 of 4 things can typically happen when we are experiencing an emotion.

Thinking about it:

This looks like intellectualizing what’s happening, trying to explain it, or even shift into a positive mindset.

Acting on it:

Looks like anything from crying because you’re sad and laughing because you’re happy to putting on leggings because you’re frustrated.

Avoiding it:

Avoiding a feeling looks exactly like it sounds, typically taking action to get away or out of feeling something you don’t want to.

Allowing it:

Allowing it means feeling the emotion in your body, allowing it to be there and letting it dissipate on it’s own.

It can feel hard to build self-confidence if you feel like you have to be perfect, make the right choices, or be feeling good all the time in order for you to be truly confident.

The fact of the matter is that true self-confidence comes from your ability to feel any emotion and know you’ll be okay.

It means being okay with feeling failure when you make the wrong choice, or being okay with feeling disappointed when you put something on and don’t like it.

When you are willing to feel these emotions, it means you are willing to do things you may normally avoid out of fear of feeling a negative emotion or having a bad experience.

You are willing to do more for yourself, and life opens up for you when you are willing to feel your feelings.

It’s an instant confidence boost.

If you are new to feeling your feelings or aren’t sure how to, and want to know how to do this be sure to watch the accompanying video!

Feelings Exercise : Embodying Joy

Discovering exactly what joy feels like in your body.

The next time you notice you feel joy or really happy about something you’re not going to think about it or act on it, but sit in it, allow it, and answer these questions:

Where am I feeling the vibration of joy in my body right now?

Does it feel fast or slow? Intense or soft? Expansive? Tingly?

What colour does it feel like?

Your main focus being experiencing what the vibration of joy is like in your body, by describing it’s physicality.

When I feel immense joy, it feels tingly and vibrant like I’m bursting, I tend to feel it throughout my body, but more so in my chest, neck, and head.

How do you experience joy?

Completely unlock this emotion so that you notice it around small things and big things. Also notice that like all emotions it’s temporary, we cannot hold a tight grip but we can experience them fully and see what they have to tell us about ourselves. Once you unlock this emotion you’ll start noticing more of what you feel joy on a day to day basis.

Bonus: Once you know what it feels like all you have to do is think of something that typically makes you feel immense joy to experience it all over again.


Love & Trust Yourself

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