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Writer's pictureSully Wittrock

Dressing For Your Now

Dressing for your now does not mean you are limiting yourself to where you are right now.

It means loving yourself where you are now, and allowing yourself to be who you are and taking steps to becoming the person you want to be.

The 2 most common things that get in the way of becoming the woman you want to be with phenomenal person style are: telling yourself you can't become the person you want to be because you aren't already there, and hating who you are now. Both of these things will keep you stuck. To have a phenomenal personal style you have to love dressing for your now.

So, how do you dress for your now?

The first is sometimes the hardest to hear, but it is so important. Dress for your now, by only having clothes that fit you.

I have let go of things that I loved to wear so much when they fit, but when they stopped fitting me I never wore them and it only upset me. I tried using them as a tool for motivation, but it only upset me and reminded me that they didn't fit anymore. They would just sit there.

I finally I told myself I would no longer hang onto anything that didn't fit me anymore. It was incredibly freeing because I was able to focus on my present moment and my future instead of my past.

It also made me realize that letting go of things is a very natural cycle when it comes to our wardrobe, and even though many things I have let go of were my favourites at the time, if they were to fit me right now I wouldn't like them as much, and I would want to go find something new for the person I am now instead.

Most of my clients who do go back up or down in size notice that they really don't care about their old clothes that used to fit either. They care about and are excited to find new things to wear.

The second thing you can do to dress for your now is wear and choose clothes that align with your style vision that are available to you. That may mean picking up new pieces right away, but shopping your closet is just as effective.

This also means no hiding in clothes that don't align. You know the ones. The old faithful sweat pants or sweater that is way to big. You may be having a bad day, but the clothes that don't align with who you are or the person you want to become are not going to make your bad day better, they will only help you indulge in those feelings that you are having about your day.

I'm not saying you need to put on your fanciest ensemble, but be intentional and mindful of how you feel in your clothes, and question if what you're choosing is really how you want to feel in your clothes the rest of the day.

Giving your self love and kindness is the third thing that will help you dress for your now.

Allowing yourself to be the person you are now instead of hating her, is incredibly loving and kind.

Notice your self talk when you get dressed and whether or not you are giving yourself the space to be yourself. Notice if you are giving yourself the space to start where you are instead of expecting yourself to be an entirely new person overnight.

Don't hide behind clothes, whether you are using them to hide your body or your personality.

Embody yourself as a whole, and let yourself experience your clothes as the physical, mental, and spiritual person you are now.

You may not be at a point of telling yourself you love yourself entirely, but giving yourself space to be yourself is incredibly loving and will do wonders for letting yourself enjoy dressing who you are right now. Giving yourself this start is what will truly allow you to get on the path of growing your personal style to wear you truly desire it to be.

If this is something you'd like more information on book a personal style coaching consult here.


Love & Trust Yourself

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