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Breakdown Your Closet Space

If figuring out your entire personal style is overwhelming to you and you want somewhere to start that doesn't feel so risky this post is for you!

You're going to breakdown your closet space and pick one small area to work on.

There are a couple ways you can do this so lets get into it!

The first way you can breakdown your closet space to make creating your personal style less scary is by areas of your life.

Depending on your life these are some of the areas you might separate your closet into:

Loungewear (pjs) / Activewear / Workwear / Occasion wear / Everyday wear.

So what does this look like and how does it help?

Instead of trying to create your entire personal style you can start with an area of your wardrobe that feels less risky.

Loungewear (pjs) is a great one to start with because for the most part you are the only person that will see it.

This one is also really fun for that reason because there is no pressure, you can just play around.

Do you want to be a pj girl? You know the girl who has the cute matching pjs and they are cozy and chic as hell? If you do maybe make this your starting point.

This is a great place to start with style because it is very much for you. You're only going to really wear it in your own company or those you trust.

Maybe you want to just make your loungewear as cozy and cute as possible; start there.

If you don't care much about pjs or loungewear or you don't wear them in which case you don't need to focus on them: You could focus on Activewear instead first.

With all of these areas simply ask yourself if this is applicable to you, and how much of a priority it is.

Do you want to work on work out clothes? Do you have a need for work clothes? If you like activewear or workout regularly maybe you want to start here and make this area of your wardrobe exceptional. Again, it is a small area that has minimal risk.

Another area you could start with is Intimates - does this apply to you? do you want it to?

Another great questions is do you want your work clothes and every day clothes to be one and the same?

This is job specific. If you're someone who works from home it might be better if they are the same, but if you work a corporate job you might not want to wear the same clothes on the weekend, but maybe you do. It's for you to decide.

The great thing about if you decide you want them to be different is that you can separate them into smaller pieces that are easier to approach.

Separating out work clothes is especially great for people who are in fields where you wear scrubs like nurses, doctors, dental hygienists, etc. You might want a specific look when it comes to your scrubs, and you most likely won't wear them outside of work.

Lastly, your every day clothes/style.

These are the things you want to or would love to wear when you are not wearing work wear loungewear, activewear, etc. It's the things you want to wear when you are running errands, going out with friends, spending time with family, etc - this is the stuff you just like to wear. This could be athletic wear, loungewear, or work wear, but check in to see what it is for you.

The point is separating your wardrobe into areas of your life in order to start creating your personal style makes it less overwhelming and more achievable.

It can also allow you to feel more playful and like you can take more risks without your entire wardrobe having to change rapidly.

If you want more help figuring out how to really make each area feel good for you to wear make sure you have a style goal, you can find the free guide in the members area. You can create separate goals for each area and then prioritize them based on which areas hold more importance to you or feel easier for you to get started in.

Start with one smaller area of your style and before you know it you will be building confidence in yourself and it will start pouring out into wanting to develop the other areas too.

The second way is by focusing on one category at a time:

Dresses / Pants / Tops / Sweaters / Coats / Shoes / Intimates

This works very similarly to the first one, but maybe you don't have a bunch of areas you dress for in your life.

Instead you can pick a category of clothes and just work on making it feel amazing for you to wear.

All you have to do is go one category at a time, and you don't have to overthink or focus on the rest because their time will come.

It's kind of like learning a new language, once you get the first one down the next one comes a little easier too. You've done this before and you have proof that you can do it.

I personally think shoes are a great place to start because they typically feel the least risky and can be incredibly fun.

Intimates are great for that reason as well, for the most part you are the only person that will see them and they can help you build confidence in your ability to create your personal style.

Try this out, have fun with it, and let me know how it goes!


Love & Trust Yourself

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