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3 Things You Can Do Now For Your Body Image

I have talked to many women about what they struggle with when it comes to their personal style and one of the most common things that comes up is struggling with body image and not feeling confident in the body you have now. So much so that you believe you cannot wear what you really want to because of it.

If you feel like you cannot wear certain things because of your body here are 3 things that will help you navigate your body image so you can start to wear things that you really want to with the body you have now.

1. Change your mind.

The reason we don't wear what we want is not because of the way we look, it's our thoughts about the way we look.

Notice what your thoughts are telling you about your body, face, and clothes and decide if you want to continue to think of yourself that way or if you want to change your thoughts about who you are.

Don't jump to a thought you don't actually believe though. All you have to do is take a step towards a thought you really want to believe.

What do I mean by this? If you constantly tell yourself you "have an ugly stomach", your brain is not going to believe you when you try to think "My stomach is beautiful.", but it will probably believe you when you say "I have a human stomach that I am learning to love.". Changing the way you think is not a race, and taking baby steps will make it so when you do tell yourself your stomach is beautiful you genuinely believe it, and you'll know because the thought will feel really good.

2. Change what you are consuming.

Are your social media feeds filled with people that look nothing like you? Are you constantly consuming the same idea of what a body should look like?

Start looking for women to follow and connect with that look like you. This will normalize the way you see yourself. There are women out there that look like you, I promise. If you ever need help finding accounts to follow just DM me and I will send you multiple! Or follow my Pinterest where I share outfit inspiration for all women.

Eventually start following people that are of all different backgrounds, shapes, and sizes. It helps us quickly see that everyone looks different, and there is no right or wrong way to look.

3. Question it.

A lot of the time, if you aren't wearing what you really want, it comes from a belief that you are not enough.

Every woman, and every body is inherently enough and inherently worthy but no matter how many times we are told this we don't necessarily believe it.

So question why you believe you can't wear what you want, and question at what point will you be good enough to wear it?

Would you tell your five year old self who is about to play dress up that she can't wear something because of the way she looks? Or would you want her to have fun and let her imagination create outfits she thinks are incredible. Would you be cheering her on, and really happy for her? Bring that joy into your present moment and when you are getting dressed.

You are enough as you are now, and you can wear what you want now.

You will not be more worthy of wearing what you want in the future than you are now.

P.S. a little bonus tip - Do not go to the mirror to tear yourself apart. Before you go to look in the mirror set the intention that you will only speak kindly to yourself, and the moment you stop, walk away.

If you want to dive deeper into how you can shift your body image sign up for a coaching consult here.


Love and Trust Yourself

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