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2023 Your Year For Personal Style

If this is the year that you want to finally start feeling stylish, and actually have your own personal style that you feel clear and confident about, I am going to share with you the simple thing you can do, starting today.

This one thing will allow you to find, create, and have your own personal style so that you can have an amazing year feeling and looking good in your clothes!

I have done a podcast episode about this in the past, but as it is a new year this is the PERFECT time to do this one simple thing that will completely transform the way you see clothes and personal style.

That one thing is creating a personal style goal and vision.

I do provide a free guide on how to do this in the free members area on my website, if you want a physical step by step instructional copy, but I will tell you exactly what you're going to do right now:

Grab your journal!

We are going to create a simple style goal that will help you get dressed, and go shopping with ease.

It will be the guiding light that keeps you aligned with what you truly want your personal style to be.

The first part of the goal is what is important to you when it comes to what you wear.

The second part of your goal is your style vision; how you want your style to look, but more importantly how you want to feel in your clothes, and the vibe you want your style to give off.

The first part of your goal will look like: I wear clothes that... (what's important to you).

Mine for example is, "I wear clothes that I love, that fit well, and are aligned with my style vision."

Make it your own, and incorporate other aspects of your life into yours.

Start by writing out everything that is important to you when it comes to what you wear for the first part. You will basically be doing a thought dump into your journal so you can get it all out of your head and in front of you.

Pick 3 of the most important things to finish off the goal, "I wear clothes that...".

Important things could be, wearing clothes that feel good, or empower you, they could also be wearing clothes that align with getting a dream job, having clothes that fit well, or wearing clothes that make you more approachable, etc. This is the "functional side" of your goal it dictates the things that are non-negotiable to you when it comes to the clothes you wear.

Then, you're going to get on Pinterest and create a new board that is dedicated to your style vision. This second part is not so much about the function of your clothes and more so about how your clothes feel, and what vibe you want to give off.

Pin every outfit that inspires you and speaks to you to this board. You don't need to know if you can create these outfits, or worry about if you could pull them off. The focus here is to just notice what pulls you in naturally.

Don't limit yourself, expand what you believe you're allowed to wear. What would you love to wear regardless of the rules, your size, and what others think? Let yourself navigate this part through feeling what you are naturally drawn to without judgement.

Go through your board and notice all of the words that best describe the style you've just created Examples people typically think of would be describing words like chic, boho, cottage-core, etc. and if those feel good to you that's great.

However, I want to encourage you to look for words that are feelings that come up for you as you look at your board, and as you notice which outfits you're drawn to. My favourite words for describing what my personal style feels like are feminine, warm, and "rich". I don't mean it is expensive. To me it means that it literally feels rich or full to me, the colours, details, or materials feel luxurious.

Once you have created your style vision board, I want you to notice, what are all of the describing words you can pick out from your Pinterest board, what are the feelings you have come up that define the style vision you just created for yourself? Once you've written them all out pick your favourite 3-5 and write out, "My personal style is..." Ex: Feminine, warm, rich, grounded, cozy, etc.

Combine part one and two to create your clear style goal. Ex: "I wear clothes that I love, that fit well, and are aligned with my style vision (Part 1). My style is feminine, warm, and rich (Part 2)."

Congratulations! Now that you've written out your complete style goal you are miles ahead of where you started before taking the steps in this guide.

Your amazing style goal will be with you now and is simple enough to remember every time you go to get dressed, go shopping, or have a style dilemma.

Use your goal to guide you in making your personal style a reality.

There are many reasons why doing this matters, and each of us will have our own personal reasons for wanting to simply feel better in our clothes.

Here is why I believe it matters and why you shouldn't wait to get started anymore:

Style goals allow you to clearly see what feels good to you when it comes to clothes.

They are simple, take hardly any time to create, and are extremely effective when utilized.

It is one of those things that seems so simple it couldn't possibly create positive changes for you, and that is why a lot of people skip over this and don't do it.

IF YOU DO THIS ONE SIMPLE THING YOUR PERSONAL STYLE WILL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER. And if you've been feeling stuck, this is the perfect time to get out of your style rut.

One of my favourite things about having a style goal is that they keep you from wasting time, money, and energy on things you don't actually like.

Best of all though it's a simple step you can take to feel better in your clothes.

I don't know about you, but I like and prefer to spend my time, money, and energy on clothes that I love, and it's easy to do because I have a simple goal that guides me.

If you're scared to make changes to your closet, or you're scared to create your personal style, or you simply feel like you just don't know where to start.

Start with making your 2023 style goal.

When you start with the prompts about what's important to you, if you're feeling some writers block, just notice what your day to day life is like and write about that, how you want your life to be (what the highest version of you would be like). You can also write out all of the things you already love about your closet or the closets of other people in your life.

Let yourself freely write, do not limit yourself and see what comes up for you. Be curious about what your personal style could be if there were no rules and no judgement.

And if you want help with this, to actually take your personal style from where it is right now to where you wish it was, sign up for a free consult call with me.

You'll find out exactly how 1:1 personal style coaching will help you actually get started so that you don't have to wait any longer to feel better in your clothes.


Love & Trust Yourself

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