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Turning The Mundane Into Magic

Turning the mundane into magic with rituals and romanticizing your life.

One of my favourite things to do is figure out how to make something that I think is boring or just a necessary part of life that has to be done, more fun or more interesting.

Why bother?

Aside from obvious reasons like making life more fun... I like the challenge, and I like asking my brain to think of and see things differently than they are or differently from how I've always seen them.

Trying to think of things differently also makes me feel inspired, open, curious, and playful. All of which I enjoy feeling.

When was the last time you asked yourself if you could see something you do almost every day differently? or the last time you asked yourself if you could do part of your day differently?

-In case you all didn't know this about me already, I love change... but I also love routine. It's an interesting mix that tends to keep me on my toes. I love changing, until I find what I love, and that usually stays in my routine until I've changed as a person, and then purposely decide to switch things up to align with the person I've become.

In order to make something that I think is boring or just a necessary part of life that has to be done, more fun or more interesting, I've noticed these two things to be incredibly helpful:

1. Creating Personal Rituals

An example of a personal ritual in my life would look like:

My morning routine:

• Meditate (10 Minutes of conscious breathing)

• Journal (about anything)

• Read & Drink Water

• Enjoy a cup of Coffee

• Get Ready (Hair / Clothes / Makeup / Etc.)

How did I come up with this? My post on a Conscious Morning Routine is a great explanation for this specific example. But, for the most part I came up with this routine by playing around and trying a bunch of different things in my mornings to see what I liked doing and what I wanted to keep doing. I just kept asking myself what worked for me and noticing what things actually made me start my day in a way I liked and felt supported me better.

A ritual can be anything you want to consistently do though, it doesn't have to be a morning routine.

Another example of a ritual I have is that I cleanse my space with Palo Santo every Sunday to set the intention of a fresh start and to release the past week (regardless of what happened, I'm not carrying the past into the future with me). I love the smell, I love the act of burning the Palo Santo, and I love the way it feels when I think about this intention and am in the moment with it. It also helps release some of those Sunday scaries because I'm embracing the new week ahead.

All you have to ask yourself is what is an intention you'd like to set and create for yourself.

Once you know what that is, whether it's clearing energy, or the intention to have a good start to your day, or the intention to just make and enjoy the best cup of coffee in the morning... Ask yourself how you can bring this intention to life in an amazing way, and when works for you to add this ritual into your life on a repeat basis.

They can be anything from making your bed every day with an intention that is personal to you, to having a day where you bake something for yourself simply because you want to bake delicious things.

Don't limit yourself, it can be anything, whether that is the smallest of things that takes hardly any time, to the biggest. The goal is for it to become a sacred space and time to you and for you.

2. Romanticizing Parts of my Life

An example of how I romanticize parts of my life would look like:

Finding ways to make getting dressed fun:

• Burn your favourite candle/incense

• Dance it out

• Enjoy your morning coffee

• Feel your clothes and pick what feels best

• Check in with your vision board

Romanticizing can also help with anything that feels mundane and boring, or like a chore you don't want to do. Which is why I love it so much.

I'm not asking you to fake anything though.

I'm asking you to ask yourself, "How can I see this thing that I currently see as a chore, or as boring, in a different way?" "How can I make this thing more interesting to myself?" Open yourself up to the possibility that those boring things can be different than boring.

For example: actual chores like laundry, dishes, vacuuming, etc...

I romanticize these by simply listening to music. It's my time to listen and enjoy music, maybe even discover new music.

You don't even have to add anything into the mix necessarily. You might just practise being grateful for the feeling of the warm clothes that you just hugged out of the dryer, and the clean smell they have, you might (like me) find a clean home cathartic and relaxing.

You could simply set the intention to try and see where you can find beauty, love, or joy in things.

There are so many ways to do this, and I find just letting myself consider how the boring parts of my life could be different is really enjoyable and gets me more into doing them as well.

Another thing you can do is just ask yourself, "How can I make this experience even better?"

For example: taking a shower.

When I asked myself this question, I noticed that (for me) making a shower even more enjoyable looked like showering at night, with only candles to light the room, and music that made me think of slow dancing.

Anytime you catch yourself thinking that something is boring, or just something you have to do...

Ask yourself how you could make it something you want to do instead.

Ultimately the goal of doing these things is to make the most of the time you have with yourself in a space that is all yours 🫶🏻

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