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Honouring Your Beauty

Create your own beauty standard.

There is no such thing as a singular ideal body type or face that everyone desires or expects others to have, society just tends to show one body that is shared more than any other over a period of time.

What's mind blowing to me about this is that the ideal changes, it always does. So if you follow what “society” decides is beautiful, being yourself will never be enough.

Everyone has different taste, and everyone thinks different features and characteristics are ideal.

You cannot be everyone’s ideal, but you can be your own!

Most importantly your beauty has nothing to do with what others desire, expect, or think.

But we are bombarded with messages telling us other wise.

This post is all about honouring who you are and how you can start doing that today.

Let's get right into it, grab your journal and iced coffee!

Choose features about yourself that you absolutely adore, it could be any part of your body, but it also might be the way you smile, or the way you walk, maybe it's the colour of your eyes or hair, maybe it is your character, sense of humor, or confidence.

Pick something about yourself that you always find yourself being loving about, or at least never hateful towards (if you can't find something message me - we can hop on a call and dive deeper into this).

It can be something small, one or two things, something big, or many things. Write out all of these things you admire about yourself, or if you saw yourself for the first time what you'd notice in a new positive and beautiful light.

For me it's my hair - from the colour to the way it curls, I adore it and always speak kindly to myself about it. I love the way the red shines through when the sun hits it just right. We all have natural features, beauty, and characteristics about ourselves that deserve to be honoured. The more specific you can get the better!

Anything about yourself that makes you feel radiant deserves your admiration.

Once you know all of the things that you have personally deemed beautiful you can come back to loving them whenever you need a pick me up, and you can focus on accentuating them through your clothes and makeup, to the way you walk and talk.

You get to incorporate your beauty into your every day life as you see fit in a way that makes you feel beautiful. Incorporating it into your life is the biggest part of creating your own beauty standard. If you love you hair like me, write out all of the ways you wish to care for it or already do, and incorporate those things into your daily life. If it is something like loving the way you walk, look for clothes and shoes that draw more focus to that. If it is your character, or sense of humor, how can you engage in more conversations that bring those things out of you? Write out all of the ways you can pour love into your unique beauty so that it overflows from within you.

You can do this work on the things you wish you loved more about yourself too. You may not love something about yourself in this moment, but you can write out all of the ways it serves you, or if it was a feature on someone else what positive thought you'd would think about it. Practising thoughts that are actually true to you, not fake positivity will help you build trust, acceptance, and love from within yourself.

What is really cool about admiring our own beauty is that we start to see how beautiful it is to be different than the societal standard, it allows us to see others differently too. Instead of looking at ourselves and other people through societies narrow lens, you've expanded yours and are now open to beauty meaning more than just one way of being.

We spend a lot of time picking ourselves a part because we don't measure up to "societal expectations.". Everyone does this, but all you need to truly know is that you don't have to measure up to something that may not even hold any true value in your heart. Ask yourself if what society currently states to be ideal, wasn't.. would you still be trying to change yourself?

Finding something about your natural beauty, no matter how small, is a really good way to start building trust with yourself on loving the person you are and honouring who you are. There are probably many things that are uniquely you, but I can guarantee that there is at least 1!

I'm not saying I'm against making changes to your face or body, whether it is surgery or just changing the colour of your hair. I believe in doing what makes you happy, but get to that place of being happy with who you are now first.

Make sure you know what happiness feels like where you are now, instead of chasing it somewhere else with no guarantee of it being there either.

Your life will be just as fun whether you dye your hair blonde or not. It is not the thing that makes you have a good time, it's your thoughts about it. Even if you may not want to change anything, but you want to love who you are more - start creating your beauty standard today.

Get inspired by how beautifully different we all are and focus on what makes you feel beautiful, not what society states is ideal.

It is a blessing to honour who we really are, one which we can give ourselves at any time.

P.S. Sign up for our email list and you'll get our free guide! The 5 questions you need to ask if you have clothes that don’t fit, that you can’t part with that also bring you down every time you see them.

These questions will give you clarity so you can feel amazing about whether or not you keep or let go of something. Doing this exercise can give you immediate results without having to clean out your closet. It allows you to make intentional choices to improve how you feel about your wardrobe in the moment.


Love & Trust Yourself

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