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a woman wearing a burnt orange dress and cream coloured knit cardigan

What is 1:1 Personal Style Coaching Like?

Meet Grace...

She felt like leggings were her only option most days.

She told herself it didn't matter because she worked from home and didn't need to impress anyone.

But, wearing them still felt disappointing, like someone was dimming her spark every morning.

She would try to wear other things, but they didn't look or feel right.

She didn't think being stylish was in the cards for her, but wished she had things she loved to wear... Things she felt confident in and got complimented on.

She felt stuck.

She didn't know what flattered her best, what she liked, or where to start.

But she didn't want to settle for her leggings, or a less radiant version of herself anymore...

If you're experiencing anything like what Grace was, this is how we solved it...

It started with bringing her spark back.


Instead of trying to find herself, we worked on freeing herself...

(From self-doubt, societal standards, overwhelm, limiting beliefs, and everything else that was holding her back.)


This first step allowed her to feel seen for the person she really was when all the noise was stripped away.




I introduced her to my crystal clear 2 step style process and...


What she liked, what flattered her, and what she wanted to wear each day became clear.


This process allowed her to be playful - wearing things she never did before, flinging clothes across her room that she no longer felt attached to.


She got to be her radiant self, no longer stifled by uncertainty.


And she got to wear clothes that amplified her beauty.


The solution was simple.


Free yourself, see yourself, be yourself.


Starting with style didn't require her to love herself more, to look different, or go on long journey of self discovery...


Where she was, and where you are now is the perfect place to start.

A millenial woman wearing a stylish and comfortable white dress

You'll Receive

• My crystal clear 2 step process that will get you into the clothes that are meant for you, your body, and your life.

• The tools to build your confidence so you can wear the things you desire to. 

A safe space where you get to show up exactly as you are, in fact please do!

• EXPERT advice on how to be truly stylish and have clothes you love to wear.

Weekly 1:1 coaching calls for 3 months with Sully for consistent support.

• Freedom from any confusion or overwhelm with clothes.

• A defined personal style that is m
ade for you, not just anyone - or your money back.


Grace Went From...

Overwhelmed to playful and decisive.

She now loves her closet and went from avoiding the impact her clothes were having on her to making herself and well-being a priority.

She now has a clearly defined style.

No more:

Second Guessing




She makes decisions with confidence and ease when it comes to shopping, picking out what to wear, and letting go of things.

She knows what flatters her best, and doesn't settle for clothes that aren't right for her.

She uses clothes to benefit and ehance her life.

Her style is clearly defined and uniquely her own - she doesn't depend on anyone or anything to feel confident in what she wears.

Her wardrobe flows together.


She has more real wearable options than ever before, and leggings aren't one of them.

This is possible for you too!

Your Style Coach

I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you have nothing to wear...

My expertise is in taking who you are and infusing it into your clothes.

If you want to have your own defined personal style click the button below.

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The program was exactly what I needed to have the confidence to start fresh in an area of my life that had become so overwhelming. By breaking it down into manageable steps over the weeks I was able to accomplish not only cleaning out my wardrobe and finding new clothes -  but understanding my style, learning how to shop, and overall just feeling more confident and finding more joy in my style. I really enjoyed how positive and supportive Sully's coaching was, and how openly we were able to converse. I found Sully's approach to slowing down and focusing on personal style instead of fast fashion, to be incredibly refreshing. 

Kelti H.


If you have any questions about personal style coaching fill out the form and receive a response in 24 hours.

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